September 2009 - CHIC IN THE TROPICS | A Detroit Style Blogger and Filmmaker
make a difference

Let's Make a Difference

Regular blogging programming will resume next week. Please bear with me.For now I just can't bring myself to blogging about fashion and my usual "day-to-day" life when this heartbreaking tragedy is still very fresh here in my country. We here in Cebu are not directly hit by it, but our hearts do go out to the hundreds who did not see this coming...

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typhoon ketsana

An Urgent Cry for Help: Help the Victims of Typhoon Ketsana

This is off my regular blog programming, but this matter is of the essence and we all need to act upon it and do our part (no matter how little) to shed light on the plight of the victims. Just using my blog as a humble vehicle so that I may be able to bring your attention into it as well, and I...

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the beautiful life

Work in Progress, "TBL" Canned

body harness

DIY DAY: thigh-high boot spats, body harness

var message= "Image Copyrighted";function clickIE() {if (document.all) {alert(message);return false;}}function clickNS(e) {if(document.layers||(document.getElementById&&!document.all)) {if (e.which==2||e.which==3) {alert(message);return false;}}}if (document.layers){document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEDOWN);document.onmousedown=clickNS;}else{document.onmouseup=clickNS;document.oncontextmenu=clickIE;}document.oncontextmenu=new Function("return false")you can.. follow me on twitterFirst off I'd like to thank all those who have participated or have already expressed interest in my Chickdowntown giveaway. Of course it is still wide open, so if you haven't checked it out yet, then make sure to do so...

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It's in the Details

top-bottom: Nicholas Kirkwood for Rodarte, Josh Goot, Rodarte, Jill Stuart, Rad Hourani, Josh GootA collation of some of my favorite details from this season's NY and London shows. And I'm sure we all agree that Nicholas Kirkwood has totally outdone himself again with those insane Rodarte shoes.. But seriously, Josh Goot killed with that last dress. Total love.Now, at least i can go...

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Chickdowntown giveaway

ChickDowntown-CITT GIVEAWAY!

follow me on twitter!So yes, I turned 23 today. Nothing drastic really changed, but everything is great so far. Spent the day dining with the family, got to chitchat with the boyf, and will be heading out in a few to join my good buddies for some celebratory drinks. Gad, I feel so.. OLD! But yes, thank God for the simpler yet deeper...

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On the Boob Tube

ON THE BOOB TUBE: 'The Beautiful Life' Successfully Sizzles

I just saw the pilot episode of the Ashton Kutcher-produced show 'The Beautiful Life' and I can already tell that it will have a SERIOUS following among the young and the fashion-enthused. Provided that the writers keep up with the expectations and hype that will arise from this great pilot, then the CW might just have a winner in this one (Unfortunately the...

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The Big 23

I am turning 23 in 5 days and I am inexplicably agitated.Another year is getting ripped off my body clock, and I feel a crazy milieu of emotions--I guess it's the way it is for everyone, right? Remorse for all the wrong decisions, jubilation for all the things done right, anger for everything that turned real sh**ty, and a big fat question mark...

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Kanye, that was REAL Gross

I know most of y'all saw this by now, but I just had to repost, as this is downright sad and ridiculous. Kanye always thinks he can get away with murder, but this is just... wrong. I'm not huge on Taylor Swift but absolutely no deserves to be assaulted and humiliated like that in front of the world. Ugh.. the horror. Poor Taylor....

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DIY day

DIY DAY: Maison Michel-Inspired Mouse Ears

Thanks for all hanging on in there! I did promise a DIY for you all loves, so I'm just quickly doing this before heading to the sack. I really am quite pooped but this was pretty exciting. Hope you enjoy it as well as i did xxooI absolutely fell in love with Maison Michel and their fanciful pieces the moment i stumbled upon...

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Quick Update

Quick Update

Sorry for only having a single post this week-- been quite busy, but for different reasons entirely. I think I'm on a roll with DIYing- i enjoy it tremendously and if i could just spend ALL my time cooking up brilliance, I definitely would. I'm also using every single spare time available to practice on my sewing. Yep, I've finally taken my old...

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Make Your Own Havaianas 2009

The Event that Was: Make Your Own Havaianas 2009

A few weeks back, top global footwear brand Havaianas successfully took flip-flop fashion to the next level as they invited some of Cebu's Havaianaticos (the apt name for those who have embraced the Havaianas lifestyle) to get first dibs of this year's Make Your Own Havaianas 2009-Media and VIP Night.The MYOH is a yearly affair that has successfully transcended to become AS popular...

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... And i Gave DIYin a shot

Who knew that there would actually be some spare time to do this? Thank my lucky stars for this incredible day job(go on-air, do nothing. go on-air, do nothing. repeat 50x)! So today I decided to finally get a move on with this simple DIY project that involved some nuking and a little bit of [hand]sewing (since i couldn't lug the machine to...

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DIYin' on the Brain

Image haul courtesy of the Flickrs of Calamity Jem, Post Scriptum and The CovetedI've been thinking a lot about DIYing things lately. Among the one million other things I need to do and think about. If I DID have the luxury of time, I would spend my days in the comforts of our ole' working desk, whipping away interesting creations, just like a...

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