October 2009 - CHIC IN THE TROPICS | A Detroit Style Blogger and Filmmaker
body harness

ChickDowntown Winner-Rand's Body Harness

So after an extensive and tedious process (a.k.a. writing all the names of the entries on paper and randomly drawing out the winning entry... sorry for my being technically inept, lol), we finally have a winner for the ChickDowntown.com-ChicInTheTropics giveaway!Congratulations to.. (drumroll please) The Couture Cookie!You're taking home a pair of these uber hot LNA Zipper Leggings courtesy of Chickdowntown.com. Congratulations!also i'd like...

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bunny ears

DIY DAY: Leather Cut-Out Top, MM-Inspired Bunny Ears

First off, let me just say that my current mood is as black as my lipstick.Stephen Gately from Brit group Boyzone passed away yesterday at a very young age of 33. And it's NOT right. Just not. I swear, I spent a few good minutes earlier getting teared up while watching Boyzone videos. It may be totally irrelevant to some of you, but...

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Birthday Bash

The Birthday Bash Year 2: In Pictures

Guys, my sincere apologies for not having done my rounds with your blogs just yet, as per usual... I dunno, something's really up with my internet. Either its too slow or I always get disconnected. So while I have that looked into, puhleez bear with me.I'd also like to remind my friends and readers in the US that my LNA Zipper Leggings giveaway...

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random weekend

Back From a Very LONG Week

You still can... follow me on twitterYou can ALSO still join my giveaway here (US Residents only). I'm extending my giveaway for one more week!So sorry for the hiatus. Thankfully, things are starting to fall back into place for everyone. Let's continue to pray for those who are affected though.Just updating you on the stuff that went on over the weekend. Last Saturday...

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