The thing that truly gives me a head rush about being an occasional local events host is not the supposed "perks" that it brings (it's a tough gig), but that it oftentimes brings me closer to another thing I'm truly passionate about: music. My lifetime commitment to music began quietly way, way back when I first became a radio jock at the age...
Travelling a good 45 minutes away to visit film school friends in the isle of Mactan is becoming more and more of my favourite escapist fare and an impending habit of choice. It isn't the most practical thing to do with the distance and the crazy cab fares and all, but I run out of good reasons NOT to do it anyway. Great...
Andrew the rockstar in a leather jacket of sheer badassness. Gimme it, andrew? Thanks. Hehe. the cake behind the story wearing Yves Identify pleather bomber jacket, thrifted shirt, New Look cargo shorts, Parisian PFW booties My apologies for being incredibly backlogged! Its not that I don't have a lot of great material, again, its just the time it takes to put it together....
Team Deutschland, I will be rooting for you tonight (technically 2.30AM local time) with the company of friends and great lager! Its already been several days since the world stage opened its doors to the uberphenomenon that is FIFA World Cup 2010. With the biggest names (not to mention incredibly hot hehe) like Messi, Kaka and Ronaldo elevating football to a whole new level, it certainly looks...
the gorgeous ones behind (and in front of) Screentest: Mark Yap (and friend), contestants Chassy Cortes, Kirk Tee and Marie Dinolan, chief stylist Yves Camingue, and the fabulous producer/head mentor Alexis Yap Chassy showing off her " LOVE CEBU" shirt to the RCTV camera crewYves and Chassy, official Screentest photog Mark Anton Yap, and I-See's Jewel Jalandoni suffering through Absinthe 70 proof shots.....
packing a lot of heat- Yves in his own accessoriestrying to channel 90's vixen/minimalist scuba.. haha didn't know what i was thinking. swimsuit from Speedo an explosion of summer florals courtesy of my friends say hi to my bestfriend during the trip, Hello Kitty.. not mine by the way, but was great company, an even greater back pillow. hehe "roadtrippin' with my two...
Next UK shirt, vintage silver biker shorts, chain accessories, Parisian PFW Holiday 10 zip up platforms new reason to smile. SM Holiday 2010 shoes. who would have thought? thanks mom:) Reasons for non-updates (aside from being busy): 1) PC got way too many viruses and I just got it fixed2) A lot on my mind (career path, relationships, etc)3) I feel kind of...