February 2015 - CHIC IN THE TROPICS | A Detroit Style Blogger and Filmmaker

The Power Players: Estee Lauder Spring 2015 Learning Lab and Favorites

Usually a seasonal release over the summer, some of the favorites from the Estee Lauder Bronze Goddess line, such as the Bronze Goddess Skinscent (a personal favorite!) will now be available year round. Yipee! Aside from getting to play with makeup all day and being able to play with many different faces, one thing I love the most about working in the beauty...

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grand rapids

Scholastic Spirit

  Back in the Philippines, I could only imagine what sub-zero temperatures would actually be like. Being born and bred in the tropics, the coldest sensation I've ever felt was putting my hand in our freezer. Little did I know there were definitely places way, way colder than that. Michigan winters are known to be harsh, and every day is an exercise of patience against...

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everlast boxing gear

Float Like A Butterfly, Sting Like A Bee

EVERLAST-ing boxing gear, literally! Everlast pro training gloves, Everlast hand wraps, Wodwhipper jump rope, and Everlast punch mitts So you guys, looks like I'll have to Manny Pacquiao my way into losing the postpartum fats! :D Seriously though, it's been two months since I popped out my little man, and everyday is an uphill battle to lose the excess poundage. I have gained...

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life lately

Starting Over Again... Quite Literally

Ten months. That's how long I've been absent from this space. Heck, that's the longest I've ever been gone from this space, ever. I've long given up on the thought that I still have hundreds of followers still rabidly waiting for a new update from me, but hey-- I'm hoping at least my mother and a few of my most loyal friends would...

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