June 2009 - CHIC IN THE TROPICS | A Detroit Style Blogger and Filmmaker

What I Wore: The Right Blazer

Hello me loves, hopefully you all had a lovely weekend!:)I sure had one. Thankfully my weekend wasn't booked for any hosting or event job, so I was really able to have some well-deserved R&R with friends and at home. Sometimes its definitely best to just spend the weekend that way! What were YOU up to?So there.. I just wanted to show you this...

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Ystilo Sugbuwanon

Ystilo Sugbuwanon Fashion Series: The First Leg

Before I do start with this entry.. again, THANK YOU, all, for the overwhelming support.I'm merely content with sharing my various daily undertakings with you- but to get feedbacks from new visitors, new followers (66 now. whoa)-- is always mindboggling, unexpected and surreal. I am always grateful and there's never a day that I forget that. So there, thanks, much love, and it...

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christopher kane tees

POSSESSION OBSESSION: Christopher Kane Unisex Tees

Is there anything else more to say? Thank you, Mr. Kane, for giving us something incredibly insane to lust over.Christopher Kane SS09 unisex tees inspired by "Planet of the Apes", image via Luisaviaroma.com through JakandJil.comBut as much as I do love your designs, Mr. Kane, I'm afraid ten thousand pesos (!!!!) for a SHIRT is a bit out of the question. :( Quadruple...

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Vintage Lace and the Design Lecture Series

So guys, I did take a hiatus. But just for a few days, anyway. Ever feel like you're just too absolutely pooped to do anything? Well, that SO happened. I just felt drained and depressed about a few stuff this week. One, I think it's all the bookings for hosting and events I've been getting this week. Not like I'm rolling out my...

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20 favorite things

TAG TIME: 20 of My Favorite Things

Time to answer a long overdue tag!Since I am feeling incredibly lazy from today's bed weather (a.k.a. non-stop rain) and the fact that this IS long overdue, time to sit my lazy bum down and get crackin'! I'm thanking my gorgeous Filipina senorita friend Cheryl of Adventures of a Pinay Neska for this tag, thanks for rockin' Spain with your incredibly sunny and...

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rockin in the streets

Rockin' The Streets: First Editorial

Hello loves.. I'm back, but not on track just yet.:(I hope you all are having a good weekend. I'm having a good one as well, but definitely one infusing too much work and too little play to be considered "entertaining". Yesterday we celebrated our country's 111th Independence Day (KUDOS FILIPINOS!), and along with that came a HUGE rock concert event for me to...

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PARTY FILE: Kaskade and "The Grand" Hits Cebu

mique yapching

What We Wore: Loving Leather at Mique Yapching Fashion Show

Slap me with your pocketbooks for being such a space cadet! Something incredibly crappy happened. This morning I multitasked on the desktop like I almost always do-- read some new comments, skyped with the boyf, responded to emails, finishing a writeup for a deadline.. when suddenly i spazzed out and accidentally deleted said comments. I was totally crestfallen, of course. It's like that...

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