What We Wore: Loving Leather at Mique Yapching Fashion Show - CHIC IN THE TROPICS | A Detroit Style Blogger and Filmmaker

What We Wore: Loving Leather at Mique Yapching Fashion Show

11:16 PM

Slap me with your pocketbooks for being such a space cadet!

Something incredibly crappy happened. This morning I multitasked on the desktop like I almost always do-- read some new comments, skyped with the boyf, responded to emails, finishing a writeup for a deadline.. when suddenly i spazzed out and accidentally deleted said comments.

I was totally crestfallen, of course. It's like that one time when i forgot to turn off my mike during my radio show and I could be heard yakking away in Cebuano through the radio (sssshhh. don't tell my boss).. this is an equally petrifying mistake, of which i am sorry.:( My friend had the mind to remind me that they are in my email, so at least, I am able to still keep those comments, but not be able to publish them. Oh, the woes of online life! :( Count on me not to repeat this mistake ever again, that's for sure.

Speaking of proverbial space cadets, my good friend and celebrated Cebu young designer Mique Yapching successfully capped off the Penthouse Fashion Series, and as expected, to astounding reviews. Knowing the mood of the collection, I chose to wear this to the occasion:



The Exoskeleton- Identify by Yves
pleather leggings from Ebay
patent leather booties by Le Donne

Apparently inspired from its namesake, the Exoskeleton brings to mind the tough lines and grooves of the celluloid shells of say, a scorpion, or a centipede when you look at the details in the torso and hip area... dunno exactly what came over Yves to have scorpions as inspiration (oh, he has a huge one tattoed on his lower back, almost forgot), but it was the right call. Most def like this piece also for its sci-fi feel.

But of course, the event will certainly be amiss without the attendance and support of Mique's fashionable posse. Some shots:

fellow young designer and style writer Yves (and the brains behind the Exoskeleton) in a degraded gray shirt, sharp black vest and a DIY bijoux piece

Top local stylista Rockell in an emerald oversized top, slim belt, a vintage bag (very reminiscent of the Stam, wouldn't you say?), and oxford patent booties

Cebu young stylist and fashion designer Tatz Agustin

doing it Gatecrasher style: Yves, and Tyra and Tatz (below)



Mique Yapching(in the round shades), one of Cebu's current designers du jour, flanked by his best friends Lyle T Littlebuck, Tatz Agustin and Jay Basiga

I'm still awaiting for better photos from the show itself, so the review will have to be done sometime later on. But without biases, I'd have to say that Mique exceeded all expectations, and then some... no wonder this guy is just going places.

Again, much love to all of you. Sincerest apologies for the infractions of the morning, and do know that all comments, earnest, constructively critical, or just mentioned in passing, will always be appreciated. Thank you all for the love and the congratulatory remarks. XOXO

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  1. My gosh, Eden you're so slim na! Suya ko da, hehe! :) I like the design of the top and it looks good especially when paired with the pleather leggings and booties. Kaya lang medyo nag-bulge ang middle part sa last photo nimo, but as a whole it's a rad outfit. :)

    PS: Your BFF Yves is a a very talented designer. ;)

  2. Love yours and Yves's outfits! The Exoskeleton dress is adorable, so hug Yves for me!

  3. very edgy! this outfit looks fierce on you.

    Mique Yapching's collection was really something. he'll surely go places with his creative outputs!

    funny, cos 3 of my friends are in the background of some of your featured pics lol.

    enewei, looking forward to more of your outfit posts! =D

  4. yves is the god! MY GOD!

    i love the dress! Killer! The whole outfit is so fierce.

  5. i was gonna go over and say Hi but you were really busy! :) besides, i was intimidated by so many other designers huddled together in your area hehehe!

    next time i wont hesitate to approach u na =D
    take care now!

  6. Everyone looks fabulous, especially you! That gray dress is so hot!


  7. You look hot! And your posse too...I wanna hang out! :) xoxo

  8. That dress looks fantastic!

    Plus, I gave you an award!! :)

    Have a wonderful day!

  9. Hi Eden!
    How are you??
    WOW, I'm deeply impressed by all the favorite looks and posings! GREAT outfits and styling! Your gray dress is amazing and looks terrific to the leggings!! SO FIERCE!
    xoxo, S.

  10. gosh i love that dress. your friend yves is so talented!

  11. i feel bad coz everything i wanna say has already been said above. hmph!

    seriously, love love love ur outfit, as always. ur frend yves is the bomb!

  12. hot damn!! that dress is wicked

  13. man, I love your dress so much!!! <3

  14. Love the look, the cut is super unusual and looks fabulous with the leather leggings!

  15. Wow, love. I'm going to google Exoskeleton for more hot designs. You look amazing! xx D

  16. I really love that first photo of you. Absolutely stunning!


  17. That exoskeleton is the coolest thing I've ever seen!!

  18. That grey dress looks so, so fantastic... it suits you so well!

  19. wow, I really love your look!!so chic!


  20. Victoria Beckham isdatchu?? hehe.. I love your dress, the drapes at the sides are pretty!! you are in couture again, lucky lucky gel you are! Ooohh and that blue shot of Yves is stunning! the pose + the shades <3!

  21. Ooooooh BUT We Truly would like to be the slave of a "SM CHIC-issime" Fashionista like You . . . far beyond your inoffensive "cyber clumsiness" !!!

    à Bientôt, Antoine

  22. You look A-mazing!
    Seriously, everyone is just rock'n the style... it's so HOT!

    Wicked chic! xxx

  23. Wow, I'm actually in love with your dress.

  24. Eden my darling,

    Guess what? I've just given you a lovely blog award. Please visit my site to copy the image. :)



  25. u look just stunning xxx

  26. i love love the dress, Eden. the cut, the shape and the color is just perfect! and oh the round shades is my fave. Yves, looking so chic as always just like you.

    by the way, the cropped top with those pants is so nice too! looking great lady. :)

  27. Lovely dress and great pictures!

  28. Gengskkyyy! I feel bad I'm not hereee heheehhe! Love ya!

  29. Love that first dress a LOT. Great shape...

    x. mavi

  30. E: i know, havent made it to blogsphere for a while, having tough time with the move back to parents house and all the conflict between jealousy of a sibling...not easy... with the haters, bloody screw em hahahah i missed u and sorry i couldnt make it to KASKADE! i so envy u! not to name your event hopping at all times! loads of love -A xoxox

  31. Okay seriously gorgeous, uber jealous that you have an on-hand designer. That dress, with the exo-skeleton- finish, is divine. I so see me rocking it. As you have.\

    You look gorgeous :)

    have a lovely weekend

  32. gorgeous dress girl... the cut is PERFECT xoxo

  33. Hi Eden!

    What a lovely group of talented people. Great scene and the Yves dress is amazing.

  34. hi hun!
    i'm two thumbs up in your gray dress!
    really! yves designed it?!
    my dear, you're so blessed to have brillian friends.

  35. Eden,

    Another blog award for you, the Friendship and Best Blogger award for 2009.:)
    Please drop by my blog for details.



  36. Wow, what a fabulous outfit! Yves is definitey very talented! And I loved the way you paired it with those hot boots! Have a lovely weekend! :)

  37. i love your outfit! really. that tight looks awesome!


  38. Eden, you are so fierce. :) You look amazing.. esp. love the pants and booties! Yves looks stylish as always! Bummer about the comments, but at least you didn't completely lose them!

    xo, Becs

  39. Hi Eden,thanks so much for leaving those lovely words in my blog n i m truly flattered to receive compliments from such a great fashionista like urself. Don't know what happen to my system, u n some other comments only appeared today??! Anyhoo, u look so fierce and love ur dress so much! <3


  40. Hi Eden, just to let u know that i 've decided to privatize my blog. I had been stalked by someone who have been non stopped leaving those harsh comments on my blog. So i think to lock it up is that best resolve as i don't think i deserved all those craps from someone who i don't even know.
    Would u mind to give me ur e-mail add so i can invite u to read my blog?


  41. Eden!! I've missed commenting on your blog! I'm slowing getting back into the process of blogging after taking a little break. I see you've been up to some amazing things like editorial styling....wow I'm so happy for you!!

    That dress is gorgeous...everytime I visit your blog you're always wearing something fabulous!! <3

  42. Wow! This is an amazing outfit on you. I love all the peplums and folds. Totally edgy. And your cheekbones are sky high, gorgeous!


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