A NEW WAVE - CHIC IN THE TROPICS | A Detroit Style Blogger and Filmmaker


7:58 AM

Next gray tank, Betty  grommeted miniskirt, Puma socks, Parisian wedges, DSKNKT double-band patent headband, DSKNKT chainmail necklace

Photos courtesy of Randell Cabatingan 

Watching "Eat Pray Love" with the beau last night reaffirmed my belief (and everybody else's, i'm sure) that the only thing constant in our lifetime is change. We win over new conquests, but we also lose in a lot of them.
Some of us get easily swayed by the trends and influences of the time, while some hold steadfast in their decisions no matter the external environs.

After taking a hiatus from updating this blog (thank you for all those who keep on visiting despite that, all 5 of you. hehe), I've  realized that I'm going through changes of epic proportions. Changes I didn't really anticipate, nor I'm ready for, big changes, positive changes. Grin, bear it, and make the best of the situation--that's kind of the mantra that I'm living up to these days.

These days, I just about gave up on partying, except for events I'm required to attend. I actually have a dog now, and I'm spending more for it than on new clothes and shoes. I've just about given up on insane crash diets and freak exercise workouts, and I'm living to eat. I probably went up a size or two, and I haven't weighed myself in weeks. Yeah I know, I wouldn't recognize me either, but I'm kind of happier living a simpler, more idyllic lifestyle.

But despite all that, my commitment to this little blog will  persist, and that's a promise. Having established some grasp on my current life path, expect to have more consistent posts from now on. I may have less sardonic or sarcastic things to say, and I may be seeing life and love through rose coloured glasses, but in no means have  I converted into a sap. Let's continue to rock this.

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  1. i watched Eat, Pray, Love last night, too! such an inspiring movie. but it made me really jealous of her travels. :| if i were Liz, though, i'd stay in Italy forever for the food!!

    you look super gorgeous in these pictures, btw! :)

    boat ride through the sky

  2. DEAR!!! I'm in Cebu as in now! Got here early this morning but am leaving on Friday already :|

  3. oh love..we are still here waiting for another posts...we really missed you...

    stunning photo of you darling...oh well thumbs up for not partying anymore...except for special occasions and aww...you have a dog? What's the name? hope you can share with us the name of your dog precious and a picture too...

    Just enjoy life as it is dear...


  4. You still look fabulous despite your weight gain ( I can´t see it from the photos, hehe)!

  5. love your skirt dear.and lovely photos too!


  6. " I've just about given up on insane crash diets and freak exercise workouts, and I'm living to eat. I probably went up a size or two, and I haven't weighed myself in weeks. Yeah I know, I wouldn't recognize me either, but I'm kind of happier living a simpler, more idyllic lifestyle. " my sentiments exactly. add me to the regulars who wait for updates from you ^^


  7. hey i'm back.. well changes in life is necessary, it would help us to know more about life and its meaning.. so let's grab the opportunity that we are alive. share smile, gladden the heart of a kid, surprise our love ones. and make the best out of everything that we have.. God bless you dear!

  8. Love the skirt! And the photos are awesome! :D

    <3 Camille

  9. nice outfit! love it! :)
    your looks are awesome!


    ps. followed you :)

  10. Have you been dieting, little lady? You look smooookin'!! I miss you like crazy!

    Oh and the skirt is love too <3


  11. oh wow..we love the outfit especially the shoes.!
    your photography is great.. =]


let your good thoughts come out and play. write away!

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