With the so-called "Digital Age" being here to stay, there's been a lot of speculation as to what will happen next to print media. Sure, a lot of our favourite publications are still in existence, but we can't shake off negative news of smaller print companies folding, having huge budget cuts, or laying off their employees en masse. Sad, but true. The challenge now for periodicals is to stay relevant and appealing in a hyper competitive, multi-faceted technological age.
With that in mind, a fun project among friends in Sweden back in 2004 has evolved to become T-post, the world's first wearable magazine. Yep, you read that right. Their equation is simple: Offbeat news + graphic t-shirt = T-post. The editorial team picks up one of-the-moment story for the month, something that provokes a lot of discussion and thought, and then collaborate with graphic artists from all over the world to have them interpret said topic through art. Can't beat fashion that is both fun and socially conscious.
T-shirt Issue 51 -"Higher Education, or Just Plain High?"
T-shirt Issue 19- "Beginning of the Beginning"
T-shirt Issue 40-"Sease the..Doh!"
T-shirt Issue 47- "Negotiating A War"
The artist's interpretation gets printed on the front, while the entire article gets printed on the inside. Nifty! Subscription is 19 euros per shirt issue, arriving every 5 weeks. Definitely worth it, considering that only limited copies of each shirt are produced (you can't order back issues, only current ones), and these are not distributed in stores as well. So yeah... make sure to subscribe if you are able. All T-post shirts are from American Apparel, so quality is guaranteed.
Still having trouble understanding how it works? Then check out this vid answering the question, "What the F**K is T-Post?" Also check out their official site, www.t-post.se .
And at that, I can't wait to receive my own T-post shirt issue in the mail in a week or so. Thanks again to Jonas and the rest of the kick-ass T-post team. :D