What I Wore: Hello Colour - CHIC IN THE TROPICS | A Detroit Style Blogger and Filmmaker

What I Wore: Hello Colour

7:52 AM

@ the skywalk in the Fuente Osmena Circle-bustling tropic city life @ its peak hours
To friends and fellow bloggers who visit my blog from different countries with snow and autumn and all that, you are seriously lucky to be gifted with 4 seasons every year. You get to have more options in your wardrobe, you have all the chances to sashay your fabulousness around in rich materials like fur and leather, and you can get away scot-free with layering up and playing with textures. Unfortunately we're not THAT lucky-there is room to be fashionable, but we are oft limited with what is possible and sane to wear under the perenially hot weather. However, the tropics is still a great excuse to show skin, but in a tasteful and chic way.

That said, i do play up with my wardrobe a lot and try to get away with whatever i can get. I mostly have blacks and grays only in my closet though, and I try to infuse different colours whenever possible. The tropics is oft stereotyped for floral and floaty, and let's just say I'm the type who deliberately goes against that grain.
Today, it's all about a tribute to summer with some colour:


yellow tank-Marks and Spencer
checkered mini-reworked vintage
long vest-vintage
assorted accessories
Le Donne booties

under the 37.8-degree heat... yes, can this be at the beach instead?!
I'd like to say that my style is pretty much urban, yet I think i can clean up pretty well if i want to, hehehe. I'm very much a city person and that reflects on what i DO wear-no fuss, no hassles, and rather streamlined. I'm not the dressy girly gal, but don't hate--i'm trying, i'm trying.:)
Today I was out all day--did a spot of shopping with Yves and Au, went to work as ush, then did some clubbing right after. I'm glad my day look translated well into night (with the help of smoky eye make-up and all lol):

@ Club Vudu

my lovely gaylicious friends stepped out in equally great garb as well:

no, I did'nt tell him to do it, but Yves wore plaid anyway... plus those lovely DIY cutoffs. well done!

and the star of the night, Alex, who dared to step out in a leather vest, a headband, and the right accessories.. fantastic!

I totally have a lot more stuff to put up within a few days. and hopefully so before I leave for a week at where else? the beach! i'm so psyched. please feel free to leave comments!


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  1. I really like the way your (so refreshing) yellow tank matches a part of the Background, it just sounds as a stylish "urban symbiosis" !!!

    à Bientôt, Antoine

  2. @ antoine---you're always the first to spot a new post and i j'adore you for that!

  3. What kind a camera do you have? I know that four seasons is a great thing but 4 inches of snow in the middle of spring is depressing.

    juliet xxx

  4. hiii honnnn! great outfit!
    and im totally lovin alex too!!

  5. what great outfits you and your friends are wearing!

  6. @ juliet---its actually an olympus FE-560.. a pretty simple and affordable 8MP point-and-shoot camera, but it does take beautifully!


  7. @ nadine and yka--thanks for your comments!

  8. I do appreciate the fact that I can wear leather and fur!!! I get your pain, I think it a little harder being stylish when the weather is unbelievebly hot...but you do it well my dear!!


  9. You are right - we have in Poland many chances to wear different clothes.
    I like your skirt and shoes very much!

  10. I want your weatherrr! So I can dress like you right now, hehhe. Lovely shoes!

  11. hi!
    thanks for dropping by my site.
    mr. freddy's happy to hear your lovely comments.
    u know, i'm glad i found fellow filipina blogger here.

    really? you're a DJ? hmm..you must have a very beautiful voice then :-)

    girly, i love your outfit. Your friends are as stylish as you.
    huH! i miss riding in a jeepney!

    p.s. pls let me know if you're interested in exchanging links.


  12. Fabulous outfits!
    So cool that you are a DJ!


  13. @ stephanie and agus---thanks for your comments!

    @ sugar---not to sure you'll love 37-degree heat... its good for beaching though!

  14. perfect outfit! i love the fierce look on the 4th pic. your buddies are real fashionista too!


  15. I love your skirt!!! Thanks for stopping by the blog :)


let your good thoughts come out and play. write away!

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