Blog Awards, Bantayan Island

4:33 AM

I do have an outfit post coming right up, but before that... Friends, do meet the little slice of tropical paradise known as Bantayan Island:
(image source: Christian Toledo, Flickr)

...where I will be spending the entire week in. Seriously, I am so psyched! Truth be told, I've always been in one with the beach-- I always seem to find my "true north" when I'm facing a wide horizon and the open sea. something about the beat of the waves and the white sand thats truly tranquil... and I can't believe I finally have a whole week to enjoy it, as I'm usually too swamped with stuff to be able to escape.

no need to worry, as it's not as "remote" as it looks-- there's of course a town proper, there's internet.. so expect to have real time updates on what everyone in the island is wearing. And by everyone, I do mean everyone-- Bantayan becomes one huge party hub this weekend, and I simply cannot wait to take my Style Spotting there!

those things said, I got a rather pleasant surprise from the always inspirational Tanya, the one behind Captivate Me ( these two "I Like You" awards. wow, definitely makes blogging more worthwhile when you know your efforts are genuinely appreciated by even a few.

In true blogger form, I now pass it on to some incredible new (and some not so new? hehe) bloggers i have just seen and met as of late, not just for being nice and accomodating (that's a given.. you guys have all been so sweet), but for having genuinely engaging posts and stories to share. you all actually do, so please keep it up.:)

African Tea Party (

Fashion Cappuccino (

Pearls in Your Hair (
Because Wearing Black Looks Mysterious (
A Forte For Fashion (

Please continue to inspire, guys.:) anyway, i'm off to the island at around 2:30 am later (its already 7:30 pm)... i'm hoping you guys have a fabulous week as well! i can't wait to update you regarding my island trip.


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  1. Oh my god, this island is so pictureque. I guess your week will be fantastic! Thanks for commenting, yeah I see, you won't need tights there!

  2. gorgeous photo sunset!
    ...and congrats on the award!

  3. Ohhh, I'm jelous! My landscape is full of oak, birch and pine trees. This is quite beautiful in spring when everyhing is so green, but I would rather like to live in some exotic place with palms, ocean (not sea, in croatia the sea is nice but too dark and deep, there's no sand, just rocks), sand, sun sun sun! Have a nice weekend! Hugs.
    Patricia (that's my real name ;)

  4. hey chica, of course id love to trade links! ive added you

  5. wow so jealous! have fun!!!

    and yes, definitely up for exchanging links! :)

  6. Where exactly is Bantayan Island? The beach looks amazing! Congratulations on your awards!

  7. I hope you have the best time ever there! Beaches are the best vacations !

    juliet xxx

  8. HI!!! Have a great vacation and I can't wait to see your photos! The ocean, sand, sun and stylish beachgoers, all sound good! Thank you so much for the sweet words and your award, it really makes my day! xxxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

  9. oooh, so jealous. hope you have a good trip!

    xx, carrie

  10. Wow, that does look like paradise. Enjoy it all you can!

    And merci beaucoup for those lovely awards!

  11. ah that island looks awesome !!!! so relaxing and stuff
    have fun!;)

  12. Your pictures are making me miss South East Asia... have a great trip and congrats on the awards!

  13. So To be honest I don't know Philippines very Well . . . BUT all these pictures frankly give me envy to discover these amazing landscapes !!!!! I am truly astonished by the bewitching/caressing majesty of this twilight/aurora . . .

    à Bientôt, Antoine

  14. island trip ??!
    why am i not present ?

    have an amazing time

  15. The pictures are amazing, like in paradise!

  16. SO JEALOUS!!! It looks gorgeous--have a great time :-)

  17. oh.. i really want to spend my weekend there too! looks like a very amazing place ever!
    you're so lucky, dont you know?
    please visit my blog if you dont mind.

  18. oh my god! it looks splendid! if i move to the philipines, we'll go right? :) I added u on facebook now (i've been a little slow and busy at the same time these days, sorry) and i think it's the right person? i'm however looking forward to reading your posts from what seems to be close to heaven!


  19. hi chic lady!
    pls tell your friends thank you so much and i'm so glad to hear about it.

    have fun!

  20. What a gorgeous place!

    Thank you muchly for the award, awww. I love it :)

    I promise to acknowledge in the blog....complete awesomeness.

    p.s. I too am enamoured by the 80s...nothing wrong with that ;)

  21. I sort of want to be there right now. It looks amazing

  22. Oh my, the island looks like a paradise. So jealous! Luckily, I'm headed off to the bahamas for spring break in two days! Have a lovely trip!

  23. Congratulations on that award dearie! Very well deserved and GAH I am all sorts of jealous right now about where you're going!! :(

    Hope you have a fantastic break peach! Can't wait to see what you churn out next. Hopefully an episode of those weekend breaks ;)

    xox Eeli


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