CHIC IN THE TROPICS | A Detroit Style Blogger and Filmmaker: best michigan restaurants
best michigan restaurants

The Meeting House | Downtown Rochester, Michigan

I hope you guys can forgive me for the 2-week hiatus. I'm sure you guys all know that when "life happens", it happens hard. Plans get thrown out and get readjusted, things need to be dealt with, and you can only hope to survive certain low-points unscathed. Like a friend said, it must be the Mercury retrograde - either that, or life is...

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best michigan restaurants

Michigan Eats: Craft Beer and Crack Fries at Hopcat Detroit

When you become a newly minted parent with no regular sitter (basically majority of us parents here in the US, hehe), the words "going out on the town" becomes a rarified, almost profound experience. I definitely have a newfound appreciation for something I used to take for granted. Two weeks ago, however, my brothers-in-law Clay and Brandon were in town for their birthdays-- we...

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