So as you well know, the Sophistix-CITT Giveaway has officially been closed. Our friends at Sophistix will be getting back to me tomorrow as to who their chosen winner is, so whoopee, I'm just thrilled to see the results.:)
I know I've been extra delinquent with my gratuitous outfit posts and fashion updates lately, and I do owe you tremendous apologies, especially for the few who do visit my blog without fail. But yeah, as you well know, I do have a hectic life outside of the blog, such as my hosting and voicing gigs, my actual radio work, and stage and occasional film projects. These days I've been really focused on the latter, prepping for upcoming auditions, reading new scripts, etc.. nothing major really, just short films few and far between, but it is something that I think I'll be deeply, deeply passionate about for a long time to come.
But no worries, I'll still be fashion blogging! In the very least, this much I can reassure you: you also get first dibs in whatever else i'm doing. Oh, and apologies for the rather "controversial" title, just using the English translation of the title of my upcoming short film (movie poster down below). I can't wait!
Again thanks for all the support, you guys are total love. I'll be seeing you shortly.