I'll Be Back... With More

7:38 AM

Hey all, I know I have been unusually M.I.A. for this month and the last.
My sincerest apologies for doing that without prior notice. I can't even begin to tell you how draining it is to be ME right now. My production company is really taking everything to the next level and most of the responsibility relies on me on making those things happen. All I can say is, the effort and the painstakingly sleepless nights WILL be worth it, and of course all of you would be the first to know.

A lot of you have been worried and extending warm sympathies about the hater situation, and i super appreciate it-but i can assure you, they're definitely not the reason why i've taken a hiatus. I know what opinions count in my life. I'm totally fine, its just that everything is just piling up right now in terms of my career and that of my team. I love what I do in this blog, but unfortunately I do have to set this particular love for something bigger than me. It's definitely one of those hit or miss times, and there wont be any other time to seize these opportunities than now.

But it doesn't mean I'm gone... I'll be posting, though not too often, at least not until everything gets ironed out. Until then, don't forget me. There will be more outrageousness, more incredible parties, and more people from this city who stylishly are on a league of their own. And those WILL be worth the wait.

You haven't heard the last of me.

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  1. E, Take care okay? we will just be here waiting for your awesome outfit post. Sorry about your haters, lets just pray for them.

    Good luck on your endeavors. God Bless :)

    >>> Rebecca Rose


  2. Hello, E!

    More luck on your fashion venture and don't worry we'll always be there for you. :)


  3. Hey mama, I've missed you. I totally understand about "real life" trumping "blog life"...we'll be here waiting and jumping for joy everytime you post.

    However, you gotta come enter my giveaway. Cuz I love you!!

    Hope all is well girl!

  4. good luck with your company!! the start-up is always the hard part. i'm glad you'll still be posting though. :)

    ps - hope you are enjoying those gojane balmain-look-a-likes!

  5. No worries, I'm still thinking about you! And I miss hearing from you. Hope you're having a great time nevertheless and I'm certain all your hard work will pay out. Take care!

  6. Ok then, good luck!!!!

  7. its good to hear that you're doing fine, Eden. im glad that your production company is doing so well too! i see very busy kayo. i know all the planning and execution will all be worth it. :)

    have a great week ahead!

  8. Hey Eden!! Just catching up on your blog since I have been M.I.A. myself. I hear you on how life can be draining sometimes because it can deter you from doing other things. I can't wait to see your next outfit post!!! You know that I'm always a fan of your blog!! <3 Jessica

  9. good luck with everything my dear, we'll be waiting for you :-)

  10. Hey gorgeous,
    Congrats on work amping up to this level...always a good thing!
    Also, glad to hear from you whenever.
    Hope you're looking after yourself and dancing on the motha effin roof if you feel like it ;)

    Take care and stay in touch bella

  11. Hey! I wish you the best in everything you do! Take care and we'll be waiting to see your new posts! xxoxoxoxo

  12. Hi Eden, take your time, we'll always be here waiting for your grand comeback!!=P Hala your hater will be fuming if she/he/it finds out that your doing well with your production company..=)

  13. eden, i miss you! i'm so glad that everything is going well in your life right now, and i wish you all the best!

    Leonhard breglio a.k.a your old spaceship commander!

  14. hurry back. miss kita. oi am following you na sa twitter.

  15. Hope you are so right and please! Don't go away!!!

    Many kisses girl!

  16. Hey darling. Hope all is well with you... Life is not the same on the internets without your fierce mug!

  17. still continuing posting..we all love ure blog


  18. It's good to hear how you're doing! I hope everything works out for you, especially at work! That sounds a bit overwhelming, so hang in there! Hope to hear more from you, I know how life gets sometimes, a blog can't come first alot of the time! Hopefully you can take a breather soon!


  19. goodluck...

    I am now a fan!!!
    Cebuana rocks!!!

    just ignore those "insecure bitches" have a nice day!!!


  20. We could NEVER forget about you babe!

    I know just what you mean though... lately it feels like I'm constantly on overdrive, playing catch-up, and everything's craaazy busy! But When it comes to doors opening and seizing opportunities, you have to go for it and take whatever chances you get. So I'm sending you lots of luck and big hugs!

    love xxx


let your good thoughts come out and play. write away!

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