OOTD: Topshop 1 Dress, 3 Ways Challenge Look #2 - CHIC IN THE TROPICS | A Detroit Style Blogger and Filmmaker

OOTD: Topshop 1 Dress, 3 Ways Challenge Look #2

9:32 PM

Hey guys... uhm, firstly, I decided to "butcher" my hair again. You like?

ew pardon the super pouty shot haha. caught mid-pose :/

ugh sorry sa background! so bored with this na hahaha

Topshop cut-out mesh bodycon dress | Topshop snake-trim boxy bag | boyfriend's jeans from Abercrombie and Fitch | leather snapback from Gaisano Fiesta Mall | Kate Spade "Lolita" ankle-strap sandals

Photos by Thaad A Sabolboro

Before anything, sorry for the loooong absence yet again. I'm trying really hard to keep up with a regular blogging schedule-- and while things were looking great schedule-wise, I've just had a pretty sucky week and a half! Had to process so much government document processing (renewing my passport, getting the right certificates, etc etc) to prepare for an important travel visa, and let me tell you... it's all an absolute pain in the ass. The red tape we have to go through to get sh*t done... okay, I don't even wanna go there (don't want to incite gov't red flags haha) but if you've tried it, you know what I'm talking about. I'm just glad the worst is all over, and now I can plop my butt down to do some hardcore blogging. haha! I try at least.

Just wanted to share my 2nd look for the Styling Challenge I'm doing in collaboration with Topshop Philippines (1st look last seen here). One reason why I picked this item over other pieces was its apparent versatility, as seen here worn as a top. The awesome thing was everyone complimented me on the "top" without even noticing that it's actually a pretty long dress. Sweeeet! Many, many styling ideas come to mind now.

Wore this outfit to the Elizabeth Arden and Rustans Prevage launch, which I will be blogging about separately. For the meantime, I'm seriously thinking of doing a hair retrospective -- I've changed my hair waay too many times the past couple of years that I've lost count. ha!

Stay awesome everyone!xx

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  1. Teehee, you made me smile when you called me girlfriend. Thanks for visiting my blog Eden. :) I love your cap too and what I really like about your outfit here is your boyfriend jeans which I never had a chance to style. Idk why, maybe I can when I'm thin already. LOL! I hope I can soon, I just need some inspirations just like you here.

    xx Diana

  2. Hi Eden! Thanks for the visit. How sweet, thanks too for liking my blog name :)
    And those shoes were from jellybean :)
    Sabi na e, you're a pinay, it's so nice to meet ones here. By the way, love your bag! Followed you on gfc.

  3. That's a really nice top :) I love the cut-outs and the sheer detailing


  4. what a great outfit for summer! you look so stunning eden <3


  5. Gorgeous outfit!! Your hair is absolutely beautiful and by golly! I am in love with your top dear <333


  6. This is so chic! Love this one! Thank you so much for your awesome comment! This is so edgy! Love the fact that you were that awesome boyfriend jeans! Amazing ensemble! ♥♥♥ xx


  7. Aside from looking good.... you're so sexyyy! Inggit ako!



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