red alert - CHIC IN THE TROPICS | A Detroit Style Blogger and Filmmaker

red alert

1:03 AM

Denim & Co shirt, SM Accessories gold leaf necklace, pants from Topshop, grommetted wedges from Shopyapi, shopper tote from Tommy Hilfiger. 

My hair is apparently as fickle-minded as my emotions as of late. Jk! I got kinda tired looking like a Jersey Shore extra with my bronze skin (been beaching a lot lately) and my dirty blonde hair  so I rushed on over to my colorist and asked for my bright red hair to be restored. Though it's such a pain to maintain, I'm in love with this color and they always do a great job with it.

Had a couple of meetings for in-store pullouts yesterday, and I wanted to wear something decidedly comfortable. I don't wear a lot of pink (I don't have much pink at all--had to steal this shirt from my sister), but I thought this shirt was just right to diffuse the attention from my really bright hair. Lol.

I have to send a shoutout to Tita Dang, my boyfriend's mother and one of the most style-savvy moms out there. She sent me this Tommy Hilfiger tote for my birthday all the way from the States and it's just great for all the crapload of stuff I feel like carrying on a daily basis.

Thank you guys for always dropping by to show some love in here xx

**Photos by Hazel Pax. Taken by my Canon 400D and edited via Adobe Photoshop-Lightroom. Pictures cannot be used without permission**

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  1. aww ang sweet naman ni bf's mother! =) and, i really admire your courage to dye the hair pink - or blonde - or whatever strikes your fancy. bagay talaga si pink on you! =)

  2. OH, that's so sweet of your boif's mother and soon to be mom-in-law!

    Again, admire the hair bleaching. I could never do it, yet.

  3. edeen! bongga ng hair! :) i love it. it goes well with your outfit:)

  4. I wish red hair could look that good on me... and really nice pants too.

  5. Gwaps, I love the combo of the red hair and the pink top. :)
    I've always been inlove with that studded boots from Yapi. I hope it's still available but then again, I'm on a shopping ban pa. HAHHA! Need to keep my decisions straight. Lol! :)

  6. You're on fire, Eden!! Wish I had the guts to color my hair like this!

  7. Women here in my side of the world, are very concious about looks. They change their hair colors often... After a while, they wonder what their real hair color was or is. Luckily for us, we know that if we tire of all the other colors, black would always look good with our sun-kissed honey colored skin, which is the envy of my fair skinned friends. Red! You can really pull it off!

  8. Oh, I'm so lovin your new hair color!! :) Love the glitter pants as well!

    xx Kaye

  9. i love your fashion sense, I wish I am as fierce as you do with your hair and your clothes, very nice hair


  10. Love the hair, dear. I could never pull off something a bold hair colour like that, but it looks great on you! Ganahan ko sa imo'ng outfit, especially your boots!

    Following you now :) I would love it if you followed mine as well.


    A Single Girl's Musings

  11. i have always loved the fire in you! so much better when you parade it!

    i too will have my hair done soon.. ^^

  12. loving your hair color and the glitter pants! :))



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