The Unboxing: Jeffrey Campbell Soiree - CHIC IN THE TROPICS | A Detroit Style Blogger and Filmmaker

The Unboxing: Jeffrey Campbell Soiree

4:24 AM

Jeffrey Campbell "Soiree" (available here )

I love shoes as much as the next girl. Okay, maybe just a weeetle bit more than the normal girl. But after so many years of incessant impulse purchases and hoarding of trendy styles which I know won't get much wear in my closet (I'm talking about you, heelless shoes), I felt like I needed a change of perspective. It wasn't easy, but I eventually decided to bid adieu to many, many pairs of great shoes (either by selling them off or giving them to loved ones). I've made a promise to really save up for things that may  be worth way more than the average, but are sure to stand seasons.

It's been awhile since I really, really fell in love with a shoe design, but my heart did leaps and cartwheels when I saw the Jeffrey Campbell "Soiree" for the first time. Burdened by its somewhat steep price, I was lucky enough to have my good friend and fellow blogger Sweet bring this home for me from Bangkok, a tad bit discounted and all.:)

As per my bf, "it looks like you're walking on air." He can't have described it better! I can't wait to take outfits with these:)

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  1. Your new babies look gorgeous in the last photo! And I couldn't agree more in the walking on air part!

  2. Love this pair of shoes. By the way thanks for dropping by at my blog :))


  3. omg! omg! omg! soooo gorgeous!

    I've never liked the idea of transparent shoes until now. This pair has converted me! Though I'm not sure if I can pull this off.

    I'm looking forward to your future coordinates using those.

    You go girl rock that shoes better than Cinderella. \m/

    xo, your newest follower

    Geek Gone Girly

  4. I think you bought a pair of beautiful and stunning shoes! I loooove them to death.haha :))

    And yes, I do agree with what your boyfriend said that you look like you are walking on air. LOL! :))

    NEW follower here :)

    -xoxo, FRANCES
    --from DAVAO--

  5. Jaw-droppingly gorgeous! Unfortunately, they don't have it in my size: 4.5. Ugh!

  6. woah! love this. I'm a j.c. fan too and I must grab thizz:))

  7. These look AMAZING on you!!

    Absolutely stunning!


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