3.0 - CHIC IN THE TROPICS | A Detroit Style Blogger and Filmmaker


6:39 AM

It took five months.

Five months of a personal journey towards rediscovery, rehabilitation, regeneration. Admittedly, that's quite a long time. Bloggers are not supposed to take that long of a hiatus, but I did, only to get off the desktop and instead of writing about my life, deciding to live it and really relish it on a more intimate note for awhile. During that course I encountered way too many twists and turns, waiting for my own world to normalize. I can't say that I'm quite there yet, but I patiently waited, eager for a return I hope some people are kind of anticipating, but more importantly, this return is for me and for something I truly itched to get back to again. 

During the time I was gone, I:

-partied like it's no one's business
-went around town and discovered just how funky my city is
-took pocket vacations
-made a bunch of films (that hopefully will see the light of day)
-got busy with my hands
-got tossed hard into a pool by my favorite jerks
-met a bunch of really interesting people
-laughed like a hyena over a bunch of things
-fell in love like there's no tomorrow

...and that's just scratching the surface.

Now that I'm back, things might have a different flavor, but still the same old me. I'll strip this blog down to basics and just return to some of the things I really love the most--great fashion and art, good vibes, and a whole lot of crazy in between.

Let's get talking!

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  1. Aaaw Frankly Glad you're "cyber back" Dear Eden !!! ps: Actually I can't help BUT using soccer's metaphors, their (insolently) universal relevancy : I think that sometimes you need to turn the ball at the middle of the ground, to better blossom on an offensive mode indeed ("cyber coach's wink") ...

    à Bientôt, Antoine

  2. i'm glad you're back! you've been gone way too long. hehe we've missed you eden.:)

    looking forward to hear more of your adventures. especially that manila gig you recently talked about in fb. take tons of pics! :)


  3. Welcome back to the blogging world! I hope you feel better now :)



  4. so glad that youre blogging again!

  5. oh eden i've missed you so much.

    don't be gone again.

    but am glad you're doing fine and living the life.

    i had my baby na. he's a boy. am sooooo happy.

  6. i often catched myself checking if there was something wrong with your blog feed, but when I see your awesome pics in my fb wall no well written paragraphs can compare to that! missed you!

  7. yey! welcome back Eden! ^^ (jut last week when I was viewing my blogroll I was thinking when you will be back! ^^)

  8. Welcome back! Looking forward to your posts. :)

  9. Geng nakugang kos employment wit the hands! <3 you!

  10. everything about wot u said, is na nengs ko...i love it@!!!@#!




let your good thoughts come out and play. write away!

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