Penthouse Designer in Focus: MARY TY - CHIC IN THE TROPICS | A Detroit Style Blogger and Filmmaker

Penthouse Designer in Focus: MARY TY

8:10 PM

Last Wednesday ushered in another installment of the Penthouse Fashion Series, and as previously promised, you know me and my lovely cohorts were there! It proved to be another impressive fusion of r n' b, a great designer, and Cebu's best dressed fashionizers as only The Penthouse can provide. I am definitely looking forward to this week's designer, and of course, what everybody will be wearing as well.:)

Yves and me with designer Mary Ty and her oriental glamazons

The Penthouse gave rise to the charming Mary Ty and her Very Mary collection. The set definitely embodied its namesake as the designer dug deep down her roots and gave the fashionistas and partyphiles an in-depth smorgasbord of culture and colour, the very things that Mary apparently adheres to in her design aesthetics.

Top maquillage artist WenWen Zaspa working on the evening's hair and makeup du jour: gorgeous Cleopatra eyes and Ziggy Stardust-ey a la mode hair

Keeping her silhouettes to a minimum and sticking to rich earth tones like ochre, saffron, tangerine and deep browns, the designer clearly highlighted the decadence and the rich colors of the Orient. The designer knows what she does best and sticks to it, carrying uniform tones and shapes with so much flair.

Mary's collection is as timeless as it is being exquisite, and they will remain relevant in any fashionista's wardrobe now, or even ten to twenty years from now. Kudos to the designer for a collection that rings true to her personal style and colorful je ne sais quoi.

Much can definitely be said about Mary Ty's budding career as a young designer, and I'm sure they're all most definitely accolades and acclaims. I can't wait to see what this stylista has in store for her next outings. Kudos as well to Dino Lloren for meeting expectations of a great show, plus much more.

me and some of my gorgeous loves-- i'd have to do mine and their outfits for a later post.:)
**photos courtesy of Mary Ty and Paul Gotiong

PPS. Again, I wrap up this post with a BIG THANK YOU to those who have left generous comments and who regularly visit Chic In The Tropics! You know that everything is sincerely appreciated around here. I do apologize for not being able to update daily--things are crazy for now, but do know there will definitely be more gorgeous posts to be expected for your viewing pleasure. For those who do want to be linked up, of course i'm up for it. Please let me know! XOXO

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  1. Mary Tys collection looks awesome, loving the orange. Love that silver skirt you're wearing too!

  2. wow, those clothes makes me want to go to Cebu.
    oh and i just added you to my blog roll. :)

  3. wow! the collection looks yummy. i want one! She's based in Cebu lang ba?

    btw you looked pretty cool in that outfit with the glass of drink. hihi

    have a lovely day!

  4. im lovin the browns and the oranges! totally jealous of the party :D

  5. Wow you have so much fun girl! I like the collection - oriental with a twist :) xoxo

  6. hi eden!!..thanks for dropping by my blog and for following me..and by the way, about your idea, i think its wonderful.. =)

    p.s. i've become your follower too!

  7. wow the fashion show looked great and i believe you had a great time! te colour scheme of earthy colour like orange and brown turns out to be great

    have a fun week ahead


  8. Great collection - and looking gorgeous Eden!

  9. I really like the idea (AND its carnal illustrations) of the "Oriental Glamazon" !!!

    à Bientôt, Antoine

  10. A really cool collection! I love all the colors and the hair styling is genius! xxoxoxo

  11. Gorgeous pictures, everyone looks so pretty. Absolutely love their makeup and their skin is flawless!

    Hi 5 to Filo Pride!

  12. Love the colors in that collection :)

  13. Hey hun! Glad to hear from you again! Its been the same over my end sadly, internet/life being crazy annoying right now! haha. :*(

    I am really adoring the earthy tones shes used. Everyone seems to be doing a more jeweled or sombre palette so this is refreshing! Keep us updated on this designer okies. I can foresee a mighty career for her :D

    <3 as always! :D xx

  14. aw! you had a great time there, aren't ya?
    the fashion show are WOW! xD
    visit my blog too, sweetie.

  15. Oh I like the collection and your dress! You're very cute :)))

  16. So fantastic! U are the fantastic and that collection is toooo! Ooooh!


  17. Mary's collection, very interesting! great designs with unexpected cuts and style. i also like the hair styling and the make-up suits the theme and design very well. galing!

    and oh that shiny bluish metallic dress looks great on you! :)

  18. I love ur outfit! That skirt is an amazing material!!! It has a beauitful shine to it! I like the shape of it too!!

  19. certainly timeless!

    there was one mw/h&m black grommet vest left but it was an awkward fit for me, so after much humming & hawing, i gave it up for some other lucky lady.

  20. GORGEOUS models! You all look so glamourous :)

  21. i think it's awesome that you are so involved in local fashion - - - and that's a great use of your blog, too, to support what's going on in your community. kudos!

  22. great clothes! and the hair style was really interesting too!

  23. The colours are amazing! Orange dresses are great!

  24. thank you so much for your comment :D
    How is your day going?

  25. I love all the dresses she made that I wanna get a hold and wear all of 'em.. :DD

  26. omg,the comments are overwhelming,thank u so much for posting and leaving such heartwarming comments =) pls check out verymary.multiply.com for more on very mary =)

  27. thanks for sharing this color full blog
    I Love it because I am fashion and Ladies Shoes lover


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